Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo

Ep. 111 - Andy "Grandpa" Bartlett: Finding Bigfoot's Soundman!

Episode Summary

Cliff Barackman and James "Bobo" Fay speak with Andy "Grandpa" Bartlett, the man behind the audio of "Finding Bigfoot"! Andy and the boys stroll down memory lane with some hilarious behind-the-scenes stories, Andy's experiences working on the series, and which cast member was Andy's favorite.

Episode Notes

Cliff Barackman and James "Bobo" Fay speak with Andy "Grandpa" Bartlett, the man behind the audio of "Finding Bigfoot"! Andy and the boys stroll down memory lane with some hilarious behind-the-scenes stories, Andy's experiences working on the series, and which cast member was Andy's favorite.